Important for the project
Even during the construction phase the Farm of Hope aims to have a power supply which is as self-sufficient as possible due to the use of solar energy. Sunlight is available all year round and for the sake of the environment we will be using this method of energy generation.
We are therefore looking for companies or sponsors who will support us with this project. We need people who are prepared to plan with us, as well as specialists who can install a suitable system for us. The construction of a solar generation plant for our project could be a challenge for young students and craftspeople. Anyone who is interested or can offer ideas is warmly welcome. Our planning is not yet complete.

The present situation
In Africa it is not easy for everyone to obtain a continuous and adequate supply of gas and electricity. People can only use electricity if the financial circumstances of the families permit. Because of this, cooking is usually carried out outdoors over open fires. Frequent power cuts cause great difficulties, because gas bottles are not always available and are expensive. To be more independent of the electricity grid, we will also use generator units. However, diesel fuel is also very expensive and is often very difficult to obtain.
As there are now very good methods for converting solar energy into electricity and plenty of solar energy is available in Africa, we will equip our project with solar cells as soon as we are financially and technically able. External suppliers, which are often extremely expensive, will then only be used in case of emergency. Our aim to become self-sufficient with solar energy is an environmentally friendly innovation in the region, which hopefully will motivate other projects and affluent companies to emulate us.
As long as we care unable to finance a solar energy system for the Farm of Hope, we will need powerful electricity generator units. These will definitely be urgently needed for the construction phase (see currently needed material)
Initial resources
Until then, we will start traditionally with a central hearth on the farm, which is strategically located so that we can cook for the workers and children and which will be of great benefit for our initial needs.
One of the guiding principles of our project work is to cause as little environmental damage as possible. Accordingly, it is a priority for us that local natural resources are not used until they are depleted. Initially we will need to use a lot of firewood, this means that we will have to act responsibly and contribute to reforestation. In the cultivation of the land, the existing vegetation will essentially be retained intact and food production for the farm will take this into consideration.
The traditional use of fire requires wood. This is split and stored in a dry place. As this is the traditional and cheapest way of obtaining energy, wood fuel will also be used in the project in the future.

One of the principles of our work is to operate in an ecologically compatible manner and we have set ourselves the obligation to plant three new trees for every tree which we cut down.