Legacies and donations
For many people, a legacy is a good method for helping after death.
As well as relatives and friends, you can put Go for Ghana (Freunde Afrikas e.V.) in your will as an heir. This way you can also help the children’s aid project “Farm of Hope”.
Konzerte und Firmenfeier
Viele Schulen und Firmen nutzen diese Gelegenheiten um Gutes zu tun.
Die nächste Firmenfeier steht bald an, nehmen Sie einfach mit uns Kontakt auf.
Auf diese Weise fördern sie auch das Kinderhilfsprojekt “Farm of Hope” mit.
Donations instead of presents
I‘m another year older. It’s my birthday again and I have no idea what I would like.
Is this how you feel?
Then use this opportunity to do something good and inform your guests about our work.
Instead of anniversary or birthday presents your guests can give you donations to support the Farm of Hope.
Sponsored run
Do something good with a sports activity. Take this opportunity to support the Farm of Hope (many schools and businesses use this opportunity to do good)
The idea is as follows:
Organisers advertise for participants in the sponsored run. The aim is to find as many participants as possible. Participants look for sponsors themselves, e.g. parents, relatives, friends, neighbours, etc. who promise to pay a sum of money for each round which is run, e.g. €1. The more rounds, the larger the donation.
For example, this can be organised by a school-leaving team with the support of the school. The team advertises in all of the classes with the aim of gaining as many pupils as possible from all years. Or a company can organise this with the aid of the management.